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OMEGA MDS was founded to address several problems facing small to mid-sized foundries.

Foundries are laden with quality constraints, lengthy lead times, complicated workflows, pattern acquisition, storage, cataloguing and repair, and skilled labor shortages. In addition, commercial 3D sand printers are too slow and costly to achieve maximum benefit.

Our goal is to bring affordable 3D sand printing ability to metalcasting foundries worldwide.

For several years, we have been researching and developing state-of-the-art solutions to take sand printers to the next productivity level. The resulting design provides cost-efficient cores and molds while offering an above-average return on investment for a newly adopted process.

The real value of OMEGA MDS 3D printers provides engineer and product designers the ability to:

The Next Level of 3D Sand Printing


Our goal is to bring affordable 3D sand printing to metalcasting foundries worldwide.

Rapid Production

Experience the ability to rapidly produce concepts, testing, and production.

Modular Integration

Easily integrate OMEGA MDS 3D printing into your existing foundry process.

Book Your Discovery Meeting
with OMEGA MDS >>>

Thorold ON, Canada

Toll-free: 1-855-637-6371

Monday to Friday, 9AM–5PM EST

Thorold ON, Canada

Toll-free: 1-855-637-6371

Monday to Friday, 9AM–5PM EST

©2022 Group Manufacturing Inc. All rights reserved.
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